Friday, December 22, 2006

sometimes when i back out of my driveway, i go over the curb.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

so i can't help but notice that i am MUY bad (that means "very" bad) at updating things. and now sofia is practically *yelling* at me, so i figured i better at least put something. although she should be a little more grateful, if you ask me; i have stayed up oh so late emailing her FOTOS, even though she refuses to include the best one in her IMOVIE!
hmmmmmmm........... if i were ruder i might even post such FOTO on this here blog... but i am looking forward to being in her wedding, so i suppose i should probably postpone that ;)

so it seems like everything is always so busy. and maybe it is. last weekend i saw christmas lights in oshkosh and i heart christmas lights in oshkosh. it was so fun...... with the vince guaraldi soundtracking action..................................................... last night me and mike (other mike) drove around fort checking out the christmas lights. we were sorely disappointed. there is one pretty sweet part of town, but the rest was quite the let-down. i don't know what people are thinking, ugh! i'm kidding--i don't even have my christmas tree up yet. part of me is thinking i won't put it up at all, but that is lame. then part of me is thinking maybe i'll just put it up and leave it up all year, even though *some* people would be very disgusted by that.

barold leaves for ecuador in like 4 days! how crazy is that! that must mean that i leave in.. 11? is that right? wow!
yikes....................................................... hmmmmm i need to go to sleep.

ps look it's me and my pretty sister on her wedding day!
i hope anyone and everyone is well.