Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Friday, December 07, 2007

point taken!

i am going to graciously receive the rebuke from christopher and state that, yes, especially when it comes to food, and especially since i followed my bold statement with an "unless" statement, i was probably out of line by using the word "never" and "always" with regards to donuts.

I guess that what I meant to say that I've noticed as I've grown older (I'm so old; I know) that to my appetite, donuts just aren't what they used to be. and I thank God for that, because I would be a lot heavier if they were. because let me tell you, i used to LOVE donuts!!! Now I just usually feel gross after I eat them (the problem being that I still eat them!); hence the frustration in my previous post.

regarding michael's comment, i have to say that krispy kreme never has won me over. (that was an appropriate use of the word 'never'). seeing them float down the river of grease just grossed me out.

this donut would like to say..."happy winter! it's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS! with white frosting and SPRINKLES!" :)