Sunday, September 24, 2006

what's up?

and here we're back to the original problem with blogging... i feel like i never have anything to say. tell any of the kids in youth group that i just said that and they will tell you i must be lying. i certainly have the power of ramble in youth group.

so at sunday school this morning we were reading through acts 1:1-14 and the question (i know that i don't ask good questions, but it got a sweet response anyway) was simply to say, "okay, so what do we learn about God in this passage? (God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Father, God & His Kingdom, whichever--what do we learn about the LORD in this passage?) and this kid lucas goes,
"God can really like stuff up good. I mean, Jesus is talking to His disciples, He ascends into heaven, and just then a couple angels show up to ask the disciples why they're looking at the sky? He can really line stuff up!" and it's so true. and it was so cool! because it's not the first thing that jumped out at me, but it's so true!!! i learn so much from those guys.
and then tonight at youth group we're talkng about whatever we're talking about and kate goes, "did you guys do that on purpose?" and we're like what are you talking about? and she's all, "that's exactly what we were talking about this morning in reaffirmation! (confirmation, whatever you want to call it)" and it was one of those things where it's like "nope, it wasn't us... it's just one of those things that God knows how to line up..." i love it when that happens. i especially love it when God does that to me with Scripture. i couldn't even tell you how many times i've been reading something, just reading or whatnot, and God really speaks to me through some passage, and then the next day pastor john preaches on the same text or i listen to some sermon and they're preaching on it. those are the moments when it's just like, "god, you ARE listening to me! you ARE speaking to me!" and it's in moments like those that you just know that God is delighted in any movement that you make in His direction. we serve a beautiful Creator.

anyway. i still don't know where God is leading us, but that's all part of the great adventure i suppose!

p.s. i love my mom. =)

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